Friday, December 10, 2010

RE: Border problems still need fixing

                In a recent posting from one of my colleagues, Border problems still need fixing, my colleague proceeded to explain that the drug cartels along the border have discouraged many people from the border despite the security. She states that this immigration problem has gone too far and that there are rules set in place for a reason and they should be followed. It is also recorded that the Mexican government should aid Texas in this fight against the drug cartel. She also asks why anyone would even want to come illegally. Well I will answer this.
                First, Mexico has an entire different government than Texas. When the government is corrupted with the drug cartel, it is hard to fight against it. The Mexican government is not going to aid Texas in this fight. Second, Mexican citizens have plenty of reasons to want to cross illegally. They live in a poverty-stricken area, their government is corrupt, they don’t have jobs, and they have families to provide for.  If someone is desperate for money to provide for their family, they will do just about anything; including dangerously crossing over illegally to the United States.
                I do agree with my colleague in one area, Texas cannot fight this drug cartel issue alone. The Mexican government is not going to help, so we need to call in our Federal Government for aid. It is obvious that Texas cannot handle this issue alone.

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