Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Air Pollution and Texas Goverment

                I find that the Texas Government is not regulating air pollution as closely as they should be.  I understand that the immigration issues seem to be a big issue right now but, the government should not overlook air pollution. This earth is disintegrating and we only get one; our health and livelihood should be important to our government.
                In the article by in the Chemical & Engineering News it is discovered that the Texas government has been slacking in their regulation of the air pollution. The federal government, under the clean air act, made it the state government’s responsibility to regulate the air pollution emissions from industries. It is stated in this article that the state government was given several reminders under the Bush administration, and once Obama came into office; EPA took control.
                I find it appalling that, after several reminders and warnings were given, our state government still failed to regulate air pollution. Although it is not the top issue, it should have never gotten to the point where the EPA had to step in. This article states that the EPA invalidated over 122 facilities permits; this all could have been avoided if our government just addressed these issues when they were originally warned.
                Our health is an important issue that should not continue to be put on the back burner. Our state government should make a driven effort to regulate air pollution.  They should not have to be forced by the Federal government to protect our health. Overall, I find that our state government is not putting enough effort into regulating air pollution.

1 comment:

  1. Make it easier to breathe....
    In reference to my classmates blog; Air Pollution and Texas Government, I have to agree with Cecilia and her feelings towards Texas' lack of production when creating a clean and healthy environment. Texas has put other problems ahead of this, such as border control and education, however even with all the focusing of these problems Texas is still ranked low in the educational system and continues to battle illegal immigrants and the problems along the Rio Grande River. So it doesn't surprise me that somewhere along the line Texas put clean air on the back burner. Cecilia references some "appalling" stats about the invalidation of 122 permits at different facilities. She mentions her personal feelings about the article but doesn't over emphasize them and sticks straight to the point. Overall I appreciate Cecilia bringing this to my attention and writing a well written blog.

    Cecilia made great points in her blog and I agree with her completely. If our local government can't take the time to fully commit to making Texas a healthier place, how do we know that with another session of Perry looming over us, there will be an sort of changes?
    "Perry's anti-Washington political games have scored him political points but they've left Texas with struggling schools, children without health insurance and a battered environment," said Anthony Gutierrez, a spokesman for the Texas Democratic Party. This statement is by far the perfect way to describe the fall out of Governor Perry. It highlights the problems that under Perry's "wing" Texas faces. Without change, where will our children's children be come the time of a post Perry Texas?
