Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Grey Haired Brigade

      I thought this article had very few positive attributes. The Texas Fred Blog is obviously against socialism and younger generations.  Fred has a very demanding and “all-knowing” tone. He makes the elderly seem high and mighty, and portrays the younger generation as incompetent. He did have some very true arguments supporting his cause, but the way he presented them will make a lot of people angry.
     He clearly explains that the young people need to be saved; therefore The Grey Haired Brigade is on their way. Who’s to say that we need to be saved? Every economy has its ups and downs, were just on a down. Each generation will make their own decisions, and we will never agree on everything. Someone will always have a criticism. The decisions we make are based upon what is happening now. Fred’s past conditions differ from our current conditions, so our decisions inevitably are very different.
     Although I am on his side as a conservative, I do think that he went about this post all wrong. He should be trying to influence the younger generation’s decisions positively, not negatively. He will only anger the younger generations, causing them to object even more.  I do agree that younger generations do not always respect our country the way they should. This can be affected by influence and knowledge, not criticisms.
     This blog does not benefit anyone; it only shows how stupid Fred thinks young people are. He should be trying to give them knowledge about why it is important to respect our country and know all of the words to the pledge of allegiance. If Fred really cared about our country, he wouldn’t complain about how the younger generations are messing up, he would influence them to make better decisions. There will be no one to save us once The Grey Haired Brigade is gone but ourselves. He should be teaching us, not saving us.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Eddie Bernice Johnson Vs. Stephen Broden

The Author of this editorial is The Dallas Morning News. Their credibility is high as they are a major mainstream news media outlet. Their argument is for Stephen Broden for U.S House District 30 versus Eddie Bernice Johnson. Throughout the article the author clearly establishes all of Johnson’s faults and praises Broden. They bluntly establish that Johnson has avoided admitting her mistakes and continues to be caught in a lie. It is apparent that they do not want her reelected; she is favoring her own family and breaking rules. The public knows she is lying, yet she still will not admit that she broke the ruled. Although Broden has not held this position, the author quickly uplifts him stating that he is a pastor of the church and has reached out to the district even on the lowest level. It is clear that this news paper is fairly conservative as they had no problem using religion to support their candidate. He wants to create jobs that are closer to home for many southern Dallas inhabitants. Broden has high hopes for Social Security that will need some hard work, but according to The Dallas Morning News, is just what we need in this position. It is very clear that The Dallas Morning News supports Broden, they are not afraid to establish who and what their news paper stands for. I do somewhat agree with the author, Johnson is no longer a suitable candidate due to her bias scholarship grants.  I do not know very much about the third candidate so I cannot fairly create my own opinion.  The author gave very little information on the third candidate with the hope of pushing him under the rug so that they can have more supporters of Borden. I think they will succeed with most people who read this.