Thursday, September 16, 2010

Texas Attorney General Fights Back

    In this article, found in The Dallas Morning News, Texas Attorney General speaks out against the Federal governments rulings for green house gas standards.This article is worth reading, because it proves that Texas government is not afraid to step up to the Federal government. Abbott believes that these new rules will affect our economy negatively and add more damage to what we already have. Abbott is not afraid to argue with the Federal Government. His office claims that the EPA is using false climate data for their new regulations; this is a bold statement to make. This article proves that Texans, as well as our government, are willing to do whatever it takes to protect our great state.  Although I do not agree with fighting new regulations on green house gases, Abbott does make a firm argument. Now the main issue is whether our economy is more important than our earth. I personally believe we only get one world, and we need to take care of it; if that means our economy suffers a little longer, then so be it.